Powerful features to help you raise more funds for your Shelter, Sanctuary or Rescue from one, effective platform. On the Buzz Platform you can accept pet-specific donations AND, you can use your own credit card processing company (PayPal, Stripe, Venmo and More).
We will never you force into a credit card processor that you don't want.
Showcase the variety of ways people can help your rescue. Completely customizable.
FormYour donation form links directly to your PayPal account. Your donors can use PayPal or credit cards, whichever they prefer.
ReminderRemind your potential donors how their donation will directly help the animals.
WishlistsDonation Platforms Include:
Amazon Wishlist, Chewy Wishlist, iGive and GoFundMe
Foundation Platforms Include:
Petco Foundation, Petsmart Charities, Grounds & Hounds, Hale Pet Door, Kuranda Shelter Beds, Bissel, Max & Neo.
We understand how important donations are to your organization’s long term sustainability. Accepting donations is easy!
By turning on the Buzz Funds Builder, you will encourage additional donations at the point of adoption. On average, this increases donations by $35*. If you have 1,000 adoptions per year, this increase would be $35,000 for your organization.
*This is not a guarantee, each organization will be different.
When you add a dog in the system, a donation form is automatically built for you helping you track donations for each dog.
See the donation amount for various lengths of time
FormsSee which forms have received donations at a glance. Drill down for detail on the donors.
Donation MethodsSee which methods your donors are using.
Renewal DonationsSee who is providing ongoing donations so you can thank them.
The Buzz Donation Module's online reports can be sorted by income, forms, and donors. Detailed reporting helps you make better financial projections..
Extend the base platform inclusions to turbocharge your donations.
Manually create donation payments within the Buzz Platform. Keep all donation data under one roof.
Allow people to give throughout the year. Better budgeting with a steady stream of money.
Allow donors to give to your Rescue via customizable tributes like "In honor of".
PDF Receipts makes it easy for your donors to print their tax deductible receipts.