Pricing & Inclusions

Subscription Based Rescue Websites

Building a fully custom website usually comes with a hefty price tag,
We think there’s a better way.

Subscription Inclusions

The All-In-One Platform That’s All In.

Meet Rescue Your Rescue, the all-in-one platform that’s all in on your rescue's success. Packed with every feature you need to manage Dogs, Adopters, Fosters, Volunteers, Donations and Events, Rescue Your Rescue is your one-stop-shop rescue management system which allows your team to focus on what matters most - the dogs.

Helping You Help More Dogs

By paying $139 per month, you can easily budget for your website and break up the cost over the lifetime of the site rather than paying for it all upfront. You’ll also have continued access to our team for support and advice as we monitor and upgrade your site over time. Monthly pricing means a commitment that we’ll offer value (and a well-maintained website) long into the future. We know you have a lot on your plate. Creating a website with Buzz to the Rescues means that we’re paying attention to the small details and technical parts of your website, taking as much of the burden off your shoulders as we can.

Our standard $139 monthly rate means you’ll have access to all of the Rescue Specific Features on our platform as well as the services and support described below—without long-term contracts or hidden fees.


Let's Partner To Create a Website For Your Rescue That Will:

  • adopt out more dogs
  • help you increase donations
  • grow your volunteer base
  • amplify your rescue within your community

We offer simple pricing.
No confusion. No hidden fees. No long term contract.
Get started today!


Per Month
$99/Month if Billed Annually
Plus a One-Time $199 Customization Fee

Not ready to dive in? Click Here to schedule a Demo. If you have questions, or just want to know more about our approach, we’d love to hear from you.

Get Extra Help If You Need It

Logo Design

Our design team has extensive experience creating compelling logos at an affordable price.


In addition to being a life-long dog lover, our copywriter has a Master's Degree in English from Notre Dame.

Need Extra Help?

Let us know if you’re interested in extra help and we’ll discuss the approach that’ll work best for you.